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The recruitment of staff under the contracts outlined in Art. 83 LOU, calls or research projects shall be made under Art. 15 of the Workers’ Statute and according to Law 63/97 of 26 December (B.O.E. 30 December)


Under the provisions of the Collective Agreements applicable to teaching and research staff as well as administrative and services personnel of the Public Universities of Castile and Leon, personnel may be recruited under the provisions of the research:

A. As established under Article 4.2 of the Collective Agreement for teaching and research staff, all research staff recruited for a specific job or service shall be subject to said Article in accordance with the resolutions established in Article 48.1 of the Spanish Organic Law on Universities (LOU), as well as technical personnel recruited under the same terms, provided that the call for the post has clearly specified that the contract shall be for research. Staff recruited under Article 4.2 of the Collective Agreement for teaching and research staff are expected to carry out research tasks and hold a university degree.

B. As established under Article 4.2 of the Collective Agreement for the Administrative and Services Personnel (PAS) of the Public Universities of Castile and Leon, contracts for workers employed exclusively for the development of projects and research contracts shall not be subject to the precepts for selection, workday and salary. Nevertheless, the workday for these workers shall in no case exceed the maximum hours per month established by the respective University.

Need for the existence of credit and eligibility of expenditures:

Staff may be recruited and charged to a research project only if there are funds available for staff expenditures, and provided that the expense is eligible in accordance with the call and financing proposal.

Application procedure:

In order to determine the total contract amount, or the duration of the contract given the available funds, the job category of the staff recruited, indemnities, etc., you may contact the Research Agency to perform the necessary calculations. Once the duration and job category are known, as well as the total contract amount, you must complete the printed form for recruiting personnel and take it to the Research Agency along with a copy of your National Identity Card, proof of Social Security, and the job title under which you wish to hire, as well as a declaration of not incurring in any incompatibility.

Duration and characteristics of contracts:

When recruiting someone for the first time under an Art. 83 research project or contract, the duration of the contract may coincide in part or completely with the execution of the Art. 83 project or contract.

When an individual is to be recruited again under an Art. 83 project or contract after having been previously recruited under a different project, the contract shall in no instance, when added to the previous period, exceed 24 continuous or non-continuous months within an overall period of 30 months. A minimum period of six months must pass before the same person can be recruited once again.

A change in work status from “Technical personnel PAS” to “Principal Researcher PI” may only take place when there is a real and effective change in the functions or tasks to be carried out.

For new contracts with an initial duration greater than one year, a trial period of one month shall be established for group IV contracts, two months for group III contracts, three months for group II and four months for group I Principal researcher PI.

EXCEPTION: The 3 year maximum limit under Art. 15.1.a) of the Workers’ Statute shall not be applied to the recruitment of RESEARCH PERSONNEL for specific scientific and technical research under Law 14/2011, for temporary work and service contracts.Nor shall such contracts be subject to regulations on linking contracts under del art. 15.5 pfo 1º y 2º del ET.

Contract completion:

All contracts shall be for a particular work or service and specific length of time. In the event of early completion or depletion of funds, the Research Agency must be notified one month in advance of the completion of the job or services by recruited staff.


The appointment of fellows recruited under the contracts outlined in Art. 83 LOU, shall be adapted to Estatuto de Becario, approved by the Governing Board session of 21 December 1999, and published 17 February 2000 in the Official Bulletin of Castile and Leon (B.O.CyL.) modified in the provisional Governing Board session of 29 May 2003 and the Rectoral Resolution of 3 June 2000.


Once the scholarship has been called and awarded by the corresponding Selection Committee, the following documentation shall be forwarded to the Research Management Agency:

  • Original Call Notice
  • Fellowship application
  • Proposed fellowship award recipient
  • Personal data form
  • Confidentiality agreement
  • Declaration of not being affected by incompatibility
  • Certificate of Studies or Degree
  • Training plan for lead researcher
  • Personal Income Tax document. Withholdings on personal work income


Travel and food expenses in national territory and abroad

Shall be adapted to the norms established in Royal Decree 462/2002 of 24 May regarding reimbursements for services and Order EHA/3770/2005 of 01 December which revises the reimbursement amount allowed for use of a personal vehicle.

Students in their Third Year of studies whose travels are financed under Art. 83 LOU, calls or research project are entitled to the reimbursement amount intended for Group 2.

The standard form shall be used to a href="/sites/" target="_blank">validate expenses ,and must be signed by the head of the research project or contract under Art. 83 LOU or the call. This document shall be sent along with all other supporting documents to the Research Management Agency.



Principal researchers of a Research Project, Art. 83 contract or research call may use the R&D credit card provided to them by the University, provided they previously submit a standard form to the Research Management Agency.

University of Salamanca personnel who do not have a card may request an advance by submitting a standard form.

The deadline to request the advance is three months for national territory expenses and six months abroad.

The individual who has made and paid the expenses shall submit an expense report and justification of costs to the Research Management Agency, along with the authorizing signature of the Researcher in charge of the Cost Centre to which the expense is charged

No new advances shall be provided to researchers who have not presented the previously requested validation. No advances shall be provided for payment of expenses subject to personal income tax withholdings or for the purchase of inventoriable material.


Advance expenses (reimbursable) are those made by University of Salamanca personnel for teaching, research or management activities.

If these expenses are charged to a research project or contract under Art. 83 LOU or a call, the person who has made and paid the expenses shall submit an expense report to the Research Management Agency along with the authorizing signature of the Researcher in charge of the Cost Centre to which the expense is charged

No purchases of inventoriable material with a value exceeding 3.000 euros, nor payment for conferences, collaboration or any other type of expense subject to personal income tax withholding, will be treated as a reimbursable expense.


Appendix I - Minor Contracts for Research

Purchase of Material or contracting of services

Purchase of inventoriable material and consumable material, and the contracting of services for a total amount less than €18.000 (excluding VAT) may be made directly by the head of the research project or contract under Art. 83 LOU or specified in the call.

Once the material and dispatch note have been received, or the stipulated service made by a third party, the head of the contract under Art. 83 LOU, call or research project shall attest to their conformity by signing and sending the invoice to the Research Management Agency with the invoice form duly completed.

The corresponding invoices must be original, with no corrections, and must necessarily include the following information:

  • Date
  • Number
  • Name and Surname or, if appropriate, Company nam
  • Tax Identification Number or, if appropriate, Corporate Identification Number
  • Name and address of the consignor or provider (residence, postal code, city) as well as bank, branch and complete customer account code (20 digits) where the amount shall be transferred.
  • Material or service provided (alternatively the dispatch note must be attached) and individual prices
  • Name and Tax Identification Number of the University of Salamanca as client
  • Effective tax rate and tax rate


Supply contracts

All purchases of materials or services rendered with a total cost greater than €18.000 (excluding VAT) must be procured through the Financial Management Section. To this end, the head of the research project or contract under Art. 83 LOU or call must submit a reasoned report stating the need, technical characteristics and approximate amount of the purchase to be made, which shall be submitted to the Financial Management Section. The Research Management Agency shall be informed of the proposed purchase for approval

In accordance with the Public Administration Contract Law, a contract shall not be divisible for the purpose of reducing the amount and thus avoiding the publication requirements, procedures or the corresponding allocation procedures.


Invoices for the purchase of inventoriable goods shall be accompanied by a receipt which shall serve to notify the Heritage Section to register the increment of goods in the general inventory of the University.

The inventory receipt shall also be used to notify the Heritage Section of any changes in the location or removal of any inventoried elements.

To be considered inventoriable goods must meet to the following requirements:

  • Non-fungible: its shelf life is greater than one year and is not consumed with use.
  • The total value including VAT (non-deductible), transport expenses, insurance, royalties and fees until its implementation is, as a general rule, a minimum of €200.

Nevertheless, the following items shall be considered inventoriable regardless of their value:

  • Furniture (tables, chairs, cabinets, bookshelves, etc).
  • Computers, monitors, printers and scanners
  • Videos, cameras, projectors, televisions.

Invoices for books, magazines, other publications, films and albums do not need to be accompanied by an inventory receipt, which may be substituted by the registration made in the corresponding Libraries.


Non-inventoriable goods are those considered inventory of movable property:

  • Replacements and material used for repairs.
  • Fixed installations (built-in cabinets, permanent air conditioning system, optical networks, ...)
  • Personal goods which are the private property of persons who conduct their work at the University.






  • +34 923 294 500 Ext. 1088, 6366, 1270
  • Edificio I+D+i, oficina 21.5 (C/ Espejo)
